Digital Nomads

How to get the visa?

Application procedure - where, how, when, how much? Updated: August 21, 23

The Law on Foreigners ("Official Gazette of Montenegro," no. 12/18, 3/19, and 86/22) regulates the terms and conditions for the entry, exit, movement, stay, and work of foreigners in Montenegro (APPENDIX 2). After a foreigner, employed or works electronically for a foreign company or his own company not registered in Montenegro, enters Montenegro following the law, they may apply for a temporary residence permit for a digital nomad.

The request is submitted personally to the Ministry in the place of residence on the prescribed form, for which a certificate is issued. The request form is filled out by the MIA officer at the counter, printed bilingually in MNE and ENG - attached (ATTACHMENT 3).

When submitting a request, a photograph, two fingerprints, and a digitized handwritten signature are taken from the foreigner under the law regulating the issuance of an identity card.

A foreigner who submits a proper application for issuing a temporary residence permit before the expiration of the 90-day stay may remain in Montenegro until the enforcement decision is issued.

With the request, the foreigner is obliged to attach proof that:

  1. has financial means of support;
  2. has accommodation provided;
  3. has health insurance;
  4. has a valid foreign travel document or identity card issued to him by the competent authority of another country, the validity period of which must be at least three months longer than the period for which the residence or travel document for a stateless person is approved;
  5. in the country of origin, has not been sentenced to an unconditional prison sentence of more than six months for a criminal offense for which one is being prosecuted ex officio, or the legal consequences of the conviction have ceased;
  6. attach proof of the justification of the request for the issuance of a permit, i.e., an employment contract or other document proving that the foreigner performs work electronically for a foreign company or his own company that is not registered in Montenegro.

A digital nomad's residence permit is issued with a validity period of up to two years and can be extended for a maximum of two more years. A new one can be issued six months after its temporary residence permit expires.

A temporary residence permit is issued to a digital nomad by a regional unit or a branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the municipality where the application was submitted within 40 days from the proper application's submission date. Permit form - attached (APPENDIX 4).

A digital nomad permit is issued with a validity period of up to two years and can be extended for a maximum of two more years, and a new one can be issued after the expiration of six months from the expiration of the digital nomad's temporary residence.

The request for the permit extension is also submitted in person at the place of residence of the digital nomad no later than 30 days before the expiration of the validity period of the temporary residence permit. If the request to extend the temporary residence permit is approved, a temporary residence permit is issued with a new validity period of up to two years.

A digital nomad granted a temporary stay in Montenegro can be joined by close family members for family reunification.

Close family is considered to be:

  • spouses;
  • their minor children born in marriage or out of wedlock;
  • children of one of the spouses and adopted children up to 18.

The detailed conditions and method of issuing a permit for the temporary residence of a digital nomad, as well as members of the immediate family of a digital nomad, are stipulated by the Rulebook on the detailed conditions and method of issuing a permit for the temporary residence of a digital nomad. The Rulebook was published in the "Official Gazette of Montenegro," no. 25/2019, 21/2020, 37/2021, 120/2021 and 145/2022 - attachment (ATTACHMENT 6).

The Government of Montenegro, at the session of September 23, 2021, adopted the Strategy on migration and reintegration of returnees in Montenegro, for the period 2021-2025, with a 2021 and 2022 Action Plan. In the 2021 and 2022 Action Plan for implementing the Strategy, drafting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Foreigners is foreseen as one of the activities. The deadline for the start of the implementation of this activity is the 4th quarter of 2021, while the deadline for completion is the 3rd quarter of 2023. In addition to representatives of the MIA, this MWG group also includes representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Police Administration, the Employment Office of Montenegro, the Revenue and Customs Administration, the Administration for Inspection Affairs, the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro Gore, the Union of Employers of Montenegro, the Red Cross of Montenegro, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) - Representation in Montenegro, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the NGO Juventas.

The draft law has been prepared and should be adopted till the end of 2023. Regarding the resolution of the status of digital nomads, we point out thatthe Draft Law stipulates that a long-stay visa (visa D) is issued to a foreigner who intends to stay in Montenegro for more than 90 days but not more than 180 days for one year, counting from the day of first entry, to be a digital nomad. Also, Article 18 of the Draft Law proposed that foreigners who apply for a temporary residence permit as digital nomads should submit proof of foreign company registration. The draft law is attached (ATTACHMENT 1).

YES!The draft law stipulates that a long-stay visa (visa D) shall be issued to a foreigner who intends to stay in Montenegro for longer than 90 days but not longer than 180 days in one year, counting from the day of first entry, to stay as a digital nomad.

Bearing in mind that the current Law on Foreigners stipulates that the application for a temporary residence permit must be submitted in person to the Ministry in the place of residence, it is now not possible to apply electronically.

Indeed, it is necessary to develop electronic services to enable electronic submission of requests for this and other categories of foreigners in the coming period.

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